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Tips for Success

Tips to Help you Manage Outstanding Projects for Success

Advertising & Project tips

Take a minute to think about unfinished projects around your house. I’m sure fixing up the guest room seemed like an easy job when you started but then something came up. And then something else came up.  Pretty soon, the half-finished guest room seems like it will never get done. Then all of a sudden, out-of-town relatives are coming to visit and it is imperative that you finish painting the guest bedroom. Wouldn’t it have been easier to do this earlier when you had plenty of time?

This easily translates to your business as well.  How often do you come up with an idea or start a project and then run out of time or get distracted?  Suppose you want to completely redesign all of your menu boards and signs and create a whole new look for your carwash.  Then, your water reclaim system breaks or your college-age employees leave for school and you have to hire new employees quickly.  Suddenly, your great redesign idea is pushed to the side as you struggle to solve these more pressing problems.  Replacing a sign may seem simple enough until everyday problems take precedence. If you plan to add a monthly wash program – how long does it take you to get it in place?  It can take months or years to accomplish your new project, and months in lost profits.

How can you avoid leaving projects unfinished or rushing through them?

  • Set Your Goals!
    • Start with a list of goals you want to accomplish, a “mirror list”.  Then add reasonable deadlines for these goals.
  • Set deadlines for yourself and your team!
    • Plan your time wisely and allow yourself time to take care of these extra projects.  Don’t let your good ideas slip away.  Put a deadline down on paper at the idea inception and hold yourself and your managers to accomplishing the project within that time frame.  Deadlines and goals drive progress.

Post your list of goals and deadlines somewhere highly visible – on your bathroom mirror, perhaps – as a reminder and encouragement for yourself.  Share your goals with others and encourage employees and coworkers to create their own lists.  By sharing goals with one another, you can create your own support group and further ensure that you all gain the success you aim for!

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